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Cosmetic Dentistry

Get the healthy, flawless smile you’ve always wanted.

Dr. Carrie Hansen performs several cosmetic dental procedures at our office in Parma Heights that will help you improve the look and function of your teeth. Read on for descriptions of some of our most common procedures, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Carrie Hansen to learn more.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are handcrafted, custom-made, thin shells of dental porcelain placed on your front teeth. Veneers can dramatically transform your smile by correcting flaws like:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Gaps
  • Misalignment
  • Misshapenness
  • Stains

How we can help: Dr.Carrie Hansen will meet with you in a consultation to discuss your ideal smile and then create a custom design for your porcelain veneers. Dr. Hansen will remove minimal tooth structure to prepare for your porcelain veneers. She will then secure temporary veneers to your teeth while a ceramist fabricates your one-of-a-kind restorations in the dental lab. Once the veneers are ready, you’ll return to our office so she can remove your temporaries and place the final veneers.

Cosmetic Bonding

Chips, stains, gaps, and cracks on your front teeth can easily detract from an otherwise attractive appearance. But if you are hesitant about investing in dental veneers, consider cosmetic bonding instead. Although bonding doesn’t last as long as veneers, it is generally faster and less expensive than bonding.

How we can help: Dr. Carrie Hansen will use tooth colored filling material, called composite, for this procedure. Once she has prepared your tooth or teeth, the composite filling material will be blended with the existing tooth enamel. A soft light will then harden the substance, the filling will then be sculpted and polished to obtain a natural look.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening lightens teeth and helps remove stain and discoloration. There are many teeth whitening systems available including over-the-counter products and whitening products obtained from a dentist. The degree of whitening will vary from person to person depending on the original color of an individuals teeth. Those with a lot of yellow tones in their teeth will respond the best.

How we can help: Dr. Carrie Hansen offers two different take home whitening systems for teeth whitening. The first type is custom fit trays. Dental impressions are taken at your first visit. At the second visit, a powerful whitening gel will be dispensed to patients to wear in their custom trays for approximately 20-30 minutes a day for about a two week period. Custom trays will achieve the best results because they allow the material to reach every visible part of the tooth.

The second type of take home whitening is a pre-filled disposable tray. With no impressions, models, or lab time required, this is an affordable professional alternative to the less effective over-the-counter options.